Scholarship Fund

Applications for 2024 are now closed. Applicants will hear back regarding their application by 26 July 2024.
The Institute of Directors launched its Scholarship Fund in 2023 with support from SWR Group. The goal of the fund is to provide opportunities for directors and emerging directors who may face some challenges in accessing governance education and training. Our initial focus with SWR was to support directors on not-for-profit (for-purpose) boards.
As we grow the fund our aim is to extend support to others including Māori, Pacific, disabled and younger emerging director communities to enable access to important training and development opportunities. This is part of our commitment to bolstering governance as a whole across Aotearoa New Zealand.
In 2023, the Scholarship Fund was awarded to 13 recipients involved in organisations from Bowel Cancer NZ to Habitat for Humanity, Neuro Connection Foundation, Pregnancy Help, and more.
Each recipient received the opportunity to take part in one of the Institute of Directors’ highly sought-after courses, including the One-day Essentials Course and the Company Directors’ Course.
Contact us below if you have any scholarship queries.
Looking for support from IoD’s Scholarship Fund?
The IoD is committed to enabling good governance for a strong Aotearoa New Zealand and as part of this commitment we want to help enable new and innovative thinking around the board table, and build more opportunities for diverse thought and perspectives.
As a not-for-profit ourselves we understand that accessing some opportunities can be challenging and we want to help support those who want to be at their best.
As we grow our fund we will be able to unlock more opportunities. Currently with support from SWR we are delighted to be able to offer a new round of funding.
Find out more about becoming a supporter here.
“Receiving this scholarship is hugely exciting, and I look forward to the opportunity to grow my governance knowledge and meet other aspiring directors. In particular, to be able to take the knowledge that I will gain back to the not-for-profit sector and support the mahi they do in our local communities. E mihi ana ki a koutou Institute of Directors for the opportunity.”

New scholarship opportunities
Applications for our 2024 fund are now closed.
This year, we offered two places to our members to attend IoD’s Company Directors' Course, with ten places available on one of IoD’s suite of one-day Essentials courses.
Applying for the Scholarship Fund will help you build your foundational governance knowledge, and will be open again for applications in 2025.
- A rewarding opportunity to understand the structures and changes within contemporary governance.
- Contribute more effectively to your sector/ organisation.
- Understand the importance of leading with purpose.
- Develop confidence and direction and more closely align your values with those of your organisation.
“As a not-for-profit manager and director, the Company Directors’ Course has been out of reach until this scholarship made it possible. As directors, we owe it to our communities to ensure our boards and organisations are high-performing and that our individual skills are continually improving. I look forward to the wānanga and connections with other directors. Ngā mihi nui to the IoD and scholarship sponsor SWR Group.”