Taranaki Branch

The membership of the Taranaki Branch of the Institute of Directors stood at 175 at the end of 2018. This was a big increase since the branch opened in May 2012 with 84 IoD members.
We run around 10 branch events each year on topics like health and safety, the future of work, cybersecurity, takeovers, big data, and transparency.
Our branch events offer members a mix of local and national speakers, as well as a forum to discuss issues of local interest.
We have a branch committee with nine members in the region. The committee sets our strategic direction and oversees our branch activities.
Branch Manager
Rachel Church
+64 27 559 5951
I am excited to use my event management skills and professional experience to benefit the Taranaki IoD Branch. I am here to manage the branch, work with the committee, organise events, collaborate with local organisations and liaise with members to make the most of their membership.
I am passionate about the Taranaki community and the vibrancy of the region. Originally from New York, and having lived and worked in San Francisco and London, I moved to New Plymouth in 2012 with my Taranaki-born partner. I’ve enjoyed making the region my home and meeting business and board leaders during my professional and personal pursuits.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions about your membership, becoming a member or about our events.
The Taranaki Branch of the Institute of Directors Emerging Director Award is open to Taranaki Branch members in the very early stages of their governance journey. Applications for 2024 are now closed. Find out more about the award below.
- Are you newly engaged on a directorship path and aspire to enhance your governance pathway?
- Can you demonstrate a commitment to development and a high level of integrity?
- Are you committed to development of your governance pathway?
The focus of this award is to identify executives, managers and directors with potential and to foster the discipline of good governance through the acquisition of technical knowledge in addition to creating opportunities for networking via branch events and functions.
2024 award recipient
Past recipients
- Jessie Waite (2022)
- Loren Anderson (2021)
- Joe Hanita (2018)
Craig Hattle BSc (Agric), MBA, CMInstD
Craig is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand and is currently a member of the IoD National Council and the Taranaki Branch Chair.
He holds a number of governance roles, and currently chairs the boards of Parininihi Ki Waitotora (PKW) Farms Board, Carefirst Medical Group and Edison Consulting Engineers. He is an independent director of the FBT/Osflo Group, Egmont Seafoods Ltd and OurCloud Ltd.
With a technical background in agricultural science, Craig holds an MBA and is a certified Program Management Professional. He has many years of experience as a business coach, mentor and facilitator, also giving back via his role as a trustee of the Bishops Action Foundation.
Craig lives in Oakura with his family and enjoys the lifestyle Taranaki has to offer, checking predator traplines on Taranaki Mounga or chilling at the beach.
Dr Joanna Godwin MInstD
Joanna holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geology from University College, London and a First Class Honours Degree in Geology from Queen Mary College, University of London. She was appointed Chief Executive Todd Energy in 2014. She is the Chair of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand and the Chair of the Taranaki 2050 Just Transition Lead Group.
As CEO of Todd Energy Joanna oversees the supply of a third of New Zealand’s gross gas production from three onshore natural gas fields and is responsible for negotiation with Joint Venture parties, local iwi, local and central government and local land owners. Todd Energy employs ~250 staff and a similar number of contractors in Wellington and New Plymouth.
Joanna has been a Member of the PEPANZ Board since 2014 and Chair since March 2018. An industry advocate and educator, ensuring the PEPANZ Board presents a balanced view on the Government announcement regarding offshore block offers.
As Chair of the Taranaki 2050 Just Transition Lead Group Joanna has chaired monthly meetings resulting in twenty nine workshops in 8 locations with over 1,000 people engaged to develop the 2050 Roadmap – the just transition to a low emissions future.
Joanna has also been a Board Member since 2017 for Be Safe Taranaki: a collaboration of organisations and industries in Taranaki that supports and promotes health and safety initiatives in the region to providing for excellence in Health, Safety and Environment. She has been a Board Member – of Venture Taranaki since October 2019.
Arun Chaudhari MInstD
Arun MInstD, MBA, BCom, BSc (Nautical Sciences), is the CEO of the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce. Arun was on the board of the Chamber from April 2009 to April 2015 and subsequently the chair until August 2015. His governance experience includes being the chair of the OGST (now EIG or the Energy and Industrial Group), Sacred Heart Girls’ College board and managing director of Elemental Marine.
Having a strong passion for the business community in Taranaki, Arun was a judge for the Business Excellence Awards for 19 years. He is a past President of the New Plymouth Indian Community. Arun is currently on the Taranaki CEO Forum Executive Committee.
Arun’s background is the merchant navy, where he spent 20 years, including six years as a Captain on large oil tankers. He then worked in senior management roles for 16 years in two ports in New Zealand. He is an ex Member of the Chartered Institute of Shipbrokers, London and a member of the Company of Master Mariners of India. Arun holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Delhi University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Massey.
As CEO of the Chamber of Commerce for the past four years, Arun is committed to the Chamber delivering exceptional service to its members and partners, while working closely with the Chamber’s stakeholders, such as the Institute of Directors. Arun is keen to see that IoD members and potential members in Taranaki are able to have opportunities to strive for the highest levels of governance standards.
Adam Harris MInstD

Adam describes himself as a serial and often successful business leader, owner, and innovator, with a keen understanding of the value of strategic connections – and an equally ardent aversion to clutter, noise, fluff, and drudgery that gets in the way of our success. Adam is MD of www.ourcloud.nz and leads the consultancy side of the business which focuses on technology as well as people and executive development and strategy. Adam has worked with CEOs and senior managers providing training, coaching and high-level peer group activities to convert opportunities into successes, drive profit, facilitate change, define company direction, and leverage the network. Adam is also an EOS Implementer https://www.eosworldwide.com/adam-harris assisting companies implement this business growth methodology.
Adam has won a number of IoD awards including Young Director of the Year, Director of the Year, and Non Exec Director of the Year in the UK. He was been co-opted onto the IoD Taranaki Branch Committee in July 2020 and is looking forward to getting involved and bringing new ideas and energy to his role on the local branch.
Adam moved to Taranaki in early 2020 with his wife and two small daughters, who keep him well and truly on his toes.
Brent Hulbert CA, MInstD
Brent is an Executive Director in PwC New Zealand based in Taranaki, he specialises as a tax advisor. He has significant experience in the oil and gas sector including business operations in Taranaki, throughout New Zealand and across the globe.
Brent represents PwC New Zealand at a variety of local and international oil and gas forums and leads PwC New Zealand’s connections with PwC Perth. His specialties include tax planning, tax risk management, tax certainty and controversy. He’s particularly interested in inbound investment, oil and gas, Māori business and local government. His clients range from small to large across a number of industries in the private business, local government, Māori business, technology and multinational sectors. He provides practical and commercial solutions to tax issues, as well as sound problem solving, local knowledge and global insight.
Rob Facer MBA, CMInstD
Rob is an accomplished Professional Director, Advisor and CEO, who has extensive experience across a range of industry sectors and organisation types, gained in New Zealand and Internationally. He brings a deep understanding and insight into the critical issues of strategy development and execution; the importance of culture and values on organisational performance; and the setting of appropriate governance, compliance and risk-management frameworks.
Rob is the Group CEO of GC Group Management Limited, a Taranaki based family company trading under the Osflo Fertiliser, FBT and Windy Point Quarry brands. Previously he held CEO and director level positions in the education sector, senior executive and director level roles for international agribusiness organisations both in New Zealand and abroad, and established and ran his own successful agricultural retail distribution business.
Based in Taranaki, Rob is a Mentor with Business Mentors NZ and active locally in governance roles for the community and not-for-profit sector. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors (NZ), and holds an MBA from the University of New England.
Sam Tyson CMInstD
Sam has been the managing director for Climate & Plumbing since 2010. Under her leadership, Climate & Plumbing won the TSB Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, Medium Business Excellence and Trades Excellence Awards in 2018. Also winning the New Zealand Master Plumber of the Year Award for business excellence in 2015. From not knowing a lot about plumbing, she has immersed herself in the plumbing industry and is now a member of national and local statutory stakeholder groups . Sam is also a director for ICE (Industry Connection for Excellence), a training school for plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying, as well as a participant in the future governance program with New Zealand Plumbing Merchants.
Sam has come from a strategic business development and mentoring background where she has worked with numerous business leaders helping them to obtain better results in their businesses. Sam is driven to further help organisations at a governance level as a chartered member of the Institute of Directors.
Craig Marriott MInstD
Craig is an independent consultant providing health and safety and risk advice to organisations at senior and strategic levels. With many years’ experience developing and overseeing assurance programmes, he brings a deep understanding of due diligence, health and safety, risk and enterprise auditing.
Recognised nationally and internationally as an expert in health and safety, he is interested in the role of governance in setting the culture of organisations to deliver not only safer outcomes, but the greater efficiency, quality and profitability that also arise from delivering better work. He is a published author and regularly speaks at conferences and events.
Craig is the Chair of NZ’s Community of Safety Innovation and delivers health and safety governance training for the IoD.
Peter van Dyk MBA, MInstD
Peter is a strategic thinker and business leader, with a broad range of experience in delivering business value in private and public-sector companies. He is the business owner and director of a successful management consulting company. He is a member of the executive committee and former President of Royal Oak Bowls, and Incorporated Society in Auckland. He was an inaugural national committee member of the New Zealand RFID Pathfinders Group an also served on the organising committee for the 2017 New Zealand Tertiary Education Conference.
Peter’s background is Information Technology (IT). Starting as a developer in banking systems, Peter has subsequently worked in several large companies across a variety of industry sectors, including airlines, telecommunications, retail, FMCG and health. As an accomplished Chief Information Officer, Peter has held several executive and senior management positions and also has extensive experience as an independent management consultant, specialising in IT strategy development and establishing IT governance frameworks.
Based in Taranaki, Peter is a member of the Institute of Directors (NZ) and holds an MBA from Henley Management College.
Hayden Wano CMInstD
Hayden is affiliated to Taranaki, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Awa Iwi.
Hayden has extensive experience in senior management and over 40 years health sector experience including, mental health, community services and medical services.
He is currently Chair Te Hiringa Mahana (Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission), a board member of WISE Trust and Taranaki Chamber of Commerce.
Hayden recently retired after 25 years service, as Chief Executive of Tui Ora Limited, a Taranaki-based Māori development organisation and provider of social and health services.
Hayden has also held an extensive range of governance roles, which include: Chair Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, Acting Chair of the National Health Board, Chair of Taranaki District Health Board, Chair of the Health Sponsorship Council, Chair of TSB Community Trust and Chair of TSB Group Ltd.
Jessie Waite MInstD
Guy Roper MInstD