Canterbury Branch

The Canterbury Branch is the third largest and has more than 1500 IoD members from the middle and south of Canterbury and the West Coast. A diverse and talented group of members serve on the committee supporting the branch manager, Sharynn Johnson.
The branch hosts governance-focused functions and events throughout the region. These include breakfast sessions, deep-dive lunch groups, and after-5 events, as well as training courses like the 5-day residential Company Directors' Course. All events give professional development and excellent opportunities to network with a diverse group of governance professionals at all levels.
The Canterbury branch offers two awards. First Steps in Governance is for young professionals who want to gain experience in the not-for-profit sector and Emerging Director is for candidates who seek further development in their governance career. The branch also helps members through a peer support programme.
Branch Team
Branch Manager
Sharynn Johnson
+64 27 228 6069
+64 3 968 6468
I have more than 25 years’ experience supporting directors, boards, and senior management. I’m here to support you on your governance journey, so please don’t hesitate to contact me about becoming an IoD member, or get in touch if you have any questions about your IoD membership or the services we offer.
Branch Executive
Kim Gerard
+64 21 243 6252
I am delighted to be part of the IoD whanau, based in Otautahi Christchurch. With experience in hospitality, event and conference management, executive assistant and board secretary support roles I look forward to working with Sharynn and the branch committee in all aspects of managing the Canterbury branch, including liaising with our sponsors and members.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions about your membership, becoming a member, or our events.
The Emerging Director Award was instigated in 1999 by the Canterbury Branch as one of its contributions in assisting the growth of New Zealand enterprise through the promotion of best practice in company direction and governance. Applications for 2024 are now closed. Find out more about the award below.
- Are you newly engaged on a directorship path and aspire to enhance your governance pathway?
- Can you demonstrate a commitment to development and a high level of integrity?
- Are you committed to development of your governance pathway?
The focus of this award is to identify executives, managers and directors individuals with potential and to foster the discipline of good governance through the acquisition of technical knowledge in addition to creating opportunities for networking via branch events and functions.
2024 award recipients
Sam Cullimore CMInstD, Chris Selbie MInstD, Sophie South MInstD Read more
Reflections from past recipients
Jane Fowles (2022):
"Receiving the Emerging Director Award was an exceptional first step into the governance experience. The team at Ashburton Contracting Ltd were very welcoming and I instantly felt part of the team. It’s been excellent to see the full year around the board table from strategic planning to budgets to end of financial year results.
Alongside that, it has been fantastic for my personal development to have a mentor to work through with, as well as being able to attend IoD events in Christchurch and online. A huge thanks to ACL and IoD for the opportunity. "
Mariann Matai (2022):
"The experience and connections made through the Emerging Directors Award has been invaluable and the perfect follow-on from the 5 day Company Directors' Course with the IoD.
I've applied for the Emerging Director Award twice and was successful the second time around in 2022, so my recommendation to those applying is to try again and again, it's well worth the effort. The selection committee was absolutely amazing during the interview and listened to my goals and purpose carefully. I've started my governance journey due to climate change so that I'm better equipped to help with the often difficult decisions that need to be made at board level. As a result of this goal the selection committee chose Dr Rod Carr, the Chair of the Climate Commission, as my mentor and we've been having the most inspiring conversations on both climate change and governance topics. The selection committee has also matched me with my preferred organisation, the Christchurch Foundation where I'm currently serving as an Associate Trustee. The Board of Trustees, the CEO and staff at the Christchurch Foundation come from diverse backgrounds and years of experience on both commercial and not for profit boards. I feel very lucky to be able to learn from these passionate people who are collectively keeping the best interest of our communities at heart.
Another huge benefit of the Emerging Directors Award is the multitude of courses, talks and events that I was able attend during the 12 months period. I've learnt a huge amount at these events and I could take these learnings back to each of the organisations I work with. Connecting with the local community of directors and board members, learning about their work and experiences has also been invaluable.
Huge thank you to everyone involved in my journey during the past 12 months. I can confidently say that the Emerging Director Award provides a lot more benefits than I initially anticipated, and the journey so far has been exiting and enlightening."
Alli Copland (2021):
“Applying for the Emerging Director award empowered me to step outside of my comfort zone. I have developed invaluable skills and experiences in governance best practice including strategic planning, audit and risk. It has been an honour to work alongside and be inspired and mentored by such experienced directors, learning from their hard work and dedication to Akaroa Health Ltd and the wider Banks Peninsular communities. I have built trusted and respected professional relationships and networks with people who have become mentors and great influencers for my future career pathway and journey.
I have attended several Canterbury Branch events over the last year which have all contributed positively to my learning experience, these events are a fantastic way to continue my governance professional development and stay at the forefront of the current governance considerations and climate. Local events have also been a great way to network with other local directors and expand my knowledge foundation across various sectors.
Winning the 2021 Emerging Director award has been a defining moment in my governance career and I will always be incredibly grateful for the experiences afforded to me from Akaroa Health Ltd, the Institute of Directors and my mentor Jane Cartwright. I will continue to utilise these experiences to add value and contribute positively to organisations and their stakeholders, particularly in the healthcare setting.”
Alison van Polanen (2021):
Why did you apply for the Award?
"I had considered applying for the Emerging Director Award for a few years prior to applying. I never felt I was quite ready or had the skill set. Fortunately, after conversations with a few local directors, I put my imposter syndrome aside, applied and received the award."
How has winning the Award helped your career?
"I understood when I applied the potential benefits of funding towards Institute of Directors training but attending the Ashburton Contracting Ltd (ACL) board meetings has been an invaluable opportunity. When I attend ACL meetings, I am effectively sitting at a table with a number of mentors with a wide range of skills and strengths. I am very grateful to the ACL team for encouraging me to fully participate in board meetings. Full immersion has increased my confidence and I am now comfortable with the diversity of thought which I contribute."
Any advice for people considering becoming directors?
"Connect – build relationships, find opportunities to observe boards and talk to experienced directors.
Develop your knowledge and skills.
Know why you want to be a director.
Check the resources and training opportunities available through the Institute of Directors."
Anna Wilson (2021):
“The Emerging Director award is invaluable for those looking for a future in governance. It provides a safe learning environment in a real world situation and I would highly recommend it.”
Melinda Baillie (2020):
“Being awarded the 2020 Canterbury Branch Emerging Director Award helped unlock so many doors for me in commencing a pathway in governance. The internship on a commercial board is a fantastic opportunity to learn in a live board setting. The directors and Senior Leadership team of EA Networks treated me as an equal director and actively engaged in my development. I was given exposure and the opportunity to contribute, across all areas facing boards as well as some specific projects EA Networks was undertaking. The Mentor provided to me by the IoD has been so generous with his time, his wisdom and his guidance to me. In addition, this award has helped me build a fantastic network of interesting and accomplished people.
I used the funding to contribute towards attending the Company Directors Course which was another amazing experience in itself. The ability to attend Canterbury branch functions was another exciting benefit to help my learning and give me the opportunity to meet people. One benefit I wasn’t directly expecting is how much the experiences gained from the internship have also helped me develop in my executive role. This was through both the exposure to higher level thinking, the exposure to strategic risks and opportunities and the people.
I am grateful to the IoD for the opportunity and thoroughly recommend the benefits offered and gained from the Emerging Director Award programme.”
Cam Finlayson (2020):
“My Emerging Director Award experience was exceptional for my personal development and confidence at the board table. Geoff, Jason, Jono and Nigel are excellent directors and their support and encouragement has been brilliant. JT is a wonderful CEO and his senior leadership team is outstanding. The entire team at Connetics is very welcoming and they do a great job at making you feel part of the team.
The internship at Connetics lasts for 18 months, which is a great length of time as you get to see strategic business plans determined, implemented and reviewed. In addition, you get to see a full financial year through from start to finish. A huge thanks to Connetics and the IoD (Canterbury branch) for this amazing opportunity.”
Helen Andrews (2019):
“Being awarded the 2019 Canterbury Branch IoD Emerging Director Award has given me a wonderful year of benefits both expected and unexpected. The known benefits of funding towards IoD training, a mentor and the director internship have been exactly what I anticipated. The funding enabled training I wouldn’t have otherwise done and a day with the likes of Giselle McLaughlin can only ever benefit your professional career. Access to a mentor has been “gold” as I sought honest and vital opinions on problems that don’t sit well on moral compass and are never found in any manual. Being an intern with the extremely functional board of EA Networks has increased my high regard of great process and being able to witness it first-hand has reinforced that view. The unexpected benefits have been the exposure to a whole raft of people from which to learn from, the Chartered Fellows who attended the dinner after the awards openly sharing their professional career highlights to the award judges who clearly searched for my motivations. This has all led me to develop both my understanding of others and myself, undoubtedly growing more confident in the valuable skills I bring as an individual to contribute to the team around the board table.”
Cory Bedford (2019):
“The Emerging Director award has provided a huge boost to my governance experience and knowledge. The award is multi-layered, not only in the ‘known’ rewards of providing access to a commercial board, a mentor, branch events and funding toward training but also in the relationships and contacts formed. The Connetics board has been fascinating - especially given the events and challenges of COVID-19. The directors, CEO and senior management have been very welcoming and I have learnt a lot. My mentor has been fantastic, providing great insights and questions. I cannot thank the Canterbury Branch committee enough for this award and the great events they organise. I strongly recommend anyone interested in a governance career apply for this award.”
Hannah Doney (2018):
"Winning the Emerging Director Award has enabled me to progress my governance career far faster than I would have had I not thrown my CV into the ring. There hasn't been any single part of the award that has done this alone. It has definitely been the combination of being paired with a senior governance professional mentor, funding to attend the Leadership Conference and of course, actively contributing around a commercial board table. Even though it's only been 7 months since I attended my first board meeting with EA Networks I have grown in confidence, increased my own knowledge of the formalities and, I think, really added some diversity of thought to discussions. I would urge anyone considering a career or opportunity to experience governance first hand apply for this award."
Kathryn Ruge (2018):
"The Emerging Director Award has provided an incredible boost to my governance journey and I’m really grateful to the Canterbury Branch selection panel for their belief in me as an aspiring director. When I think back to the person who applied for the award 12 months ago and the person I am now, probably the greatest gift of this award has been the increased confidence I have in the value and voice that I bring to the board table. I have loved the opportunity to attend my local branch events regularly, not having to discriminate on the basis of cost but enjoying the relative luxury of soaking up every opportunity available. I’ve invested my course money into the Company Directors course and am looking forward to progressing down the pathway of Chartered Membership, something that would have otherwise been out of my reach. The combination of benefits reflects the many things people need to invest in as they develop a governance career – mentoring, time around the board table, building relationships and networking, ongoing formal learning, and of course an IoD membership which facilitates access to all these things! "
Past recipients
- Dita Ciulacu, Joseph Tyro (2023) Read more
- Emma Hodgkins, Leandra Fitzgibbon, Jane Fowles, Mariann Matai, Aaron Smith (2022)
- Ash-Leigh Campbell, Allison (Alli) Copland, Alison van Polanen, Anna Wilson (2021)
- Melinda Baillie, Cam Finlayson (2020)
- Cory Bedford, Helen Andrews (2019)
- Hannah Doney, Kathryn Ruge (2018)
- Aaron Perriam, Jeff Smit (2017)
- Helen Shorthouse (2016)
- Tim Trewinnard, Chris Bailey (2015)
- Jessie Chan-Dorman (2014)
- Elizabeth Hopkins, Michael Lay (2013)
- Janice Fredric (2012)
- Liz Hirst (2011)
- Karl Varley (2010)
- Madeleine Hawkesbury-Browne (2009)
- Louise Edwards (2008)
- Anthony Leighs (2007)
- Lynn McClelland (2006)
- Kevin Eder (2005)
- Wendy Smith (2004)
- Dion Paul (2003)
- Gillian Heald (2002)
- Paul Bingham (2001)
- Lynn Anderson (2000)
- Brendon Quinn (1999)
This award provides opportunities for young professionals at the start of their governance journey to gain governance experience in the not-for-profit sector.
Applications for 2024 have closed.
We are seeking young professionals who:
- Are motivated to further their business experience, gain an insight into good governance practice and learn about the dynamics of sitting on a board or trust
- Are able to demonstrate leadership, integrity and enterprise in their careers
- Have a range of experience and skills (commercial, community, public service)
- Able to commit the time to prepare for and attend meetings and associated events
- Have not held a significant governance role to date (this does not include a role in a local sports, school or community organisation or club)
Benefits include:
- A governance internship on a not-for-profit board.
- One year’s complimentary membership of the Institute of Directors
- One year’s complimentary attendance at all Canterbury branch members’ events where members can learn and share their experiences
- $850 towards an IoD governance development course of your choice to be taken in the 12 month period following the Award
- Mentoring from an experienced director.
2024 award recipients
Becs Donderman, Andrew Gray, Penny Kibblewhite MInstD Read more
Past recipients of the First Steps in Governance Award:
- Chelsea Houghton, Wharerimu Iraia and Brooke White (2023)
- Daryn Govender, Sabine Parry, Shannon Wright (2022)
- Morgan Walker, Nicole Robinson, Logan Hanifin (2021)
- Olivia Egerton, Alex Booker, Eric de Boer (2020)
- Wendy Schmidt (2019)
- Katherine Allen (2018)
- Maddy Surie (2017)
- Rebecca Biggs (2016)
- Julie Hands (2015)
- Gareth Reed (2014)
The Peer Support Programme has been set up to allow members to discuss professional and personal issues with a senior director and is available free to all local IoD members.
Your confidentiality is guaranteed – the only reporting will be to the local branch committee on the number of people who have used the programme. There will be no reporting of any other details.
Your support people are:
Jane Cartwright MNZM CFInstD
Phone: (027) 434 1697
Vincent Pooch CFInstD
Phone: (021) 338 136
Lloyd Mander B.A. M.Aud (Hons). MBA (Dist), CFInst
Lloyd is the chair of the New Zealand Institute of Directors’ Canterbury Branch, and is a member of the Institute’s National Council where he serves on the Membership and Standards Committees.
He's all about "creating value, by valuing difference". Therefore Lloyd leads DOT Scorecard, a research consultancy that works with boards and senior teams facing complexity to improve group decision-making capability through developing an enabling culture and leveraging cognitive diversity.
In his previous executive life, Lloyd co-founded, grew, and sold a healthcare business. He’s then spent the last decade supporting good governance in areas such as community housing, energy, transport and the commercialisation of new technologies, as either a board member or in an advisory capacity.
Hannah Doney MBA, CMInstD
Hannah is currently the Deputy Chair of the IoD Canterbury branch and has been a committee member for 6 years. She has a Masters of Business Administration and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.
Now working solely in governance and as an advisor to boards, Hannah uses her commercial experience, customer-centric value set and broad marketing skill to support boards and organisations in determining and then achieving their aspirations and goals. With particular experience in professional service, not-for-profit and retail in New Zealand, UK and Australia, she has worked with start-ups, high growth, privately held and NZX / ASX companies.
Hannah holds board roles with Harness Racing New Zealand (Vice Chair), UMF Honey Association, Swimming New Zealand, Standardbred Stable to Stirrup Charitable Trust, Barnhouse Consulting, supports Community Governance Aotearoa as a Governance Advisor in the not-for-profit sector, and works as an advisory board member for Pomeroy Group and Bennetto Food Brands.
Rex Williams DistFInstD
Rex, a civil engineer, had a 40-year management career in the cement and quarry industries. Since retirement in 2007, he has had a range of governance roles in the private sector principally associated with transport and infrastructure. In public sector governance, he has held senior roles in health, tertiary education, and local government.
Rex is a Distinguished Fellow of the IoD and currently provides mentoring support to a wide range of individuals and organisations.
Sue Sheldon CNZM, BCom. FCA, DistFInstD
Sue has worked as a professional company director for 27 years. She has held roles as Chairman of Freightways, Paymark, Chorus and Regenerate Christchurch, Deputy Chair of the Reserve Bank and Christchurch International Airport, and director of Telecom, Contact Energy, Meridian Energy, Smiths City Group, Asure New Zealand and Ngai Tahu Holdings Corporation. Currently, Sue chairs the board of Infrastructure Holdings Ltd.
Sue has acted as Independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Committees of both Auckland Council and Christchurch City Council over a 10 year period. She has extensive experience as both a chair and member of audit and risk committees and is a former president of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Sue was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to business in 2007 and a Distinguished Fellow of the IoD in 2023.
Jane Cartwright MNZM, BSC, PGDipSc, NZRD, MBA, CFInstD
Jane is a Chartered Fellow of the IoD and has served the local branch overseeing the local IoD Emerging Director and First Steps in Governance programmes. She is also one of the local IoD Peer Support contacts.
Jane's strong relationship management skills and ability to understand complex issues and communicate clearly have underpinned her success in both governance and executive roles in the health system, tertiary education sector, and local government. Currently Jane chairs the boards of Nurse Maude Association and Brackenridge Services Ltd, and is in leadership roles for Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora and supporting a number of local NGOs.
Mike Killick MBA, BE.Mech (Hons), CMInstD
Mike is a Chartered Director and Business Owner / Entrepreneur with executive management expertise. He is an innovative problem solver who is able to create tangible solutions and strategies for businesses that will allow them to create growth opportunities in a successful way. Mike's approach to problem-solving and growth creation is one that is focused on connecting with all stakeholders of the business.
Mike is a Chartered Member of the IoD, has a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Engineering Degree (Hons) (Mech). Although Mike has knowledge and experience across a number of industries, he is currently focussed on the healthcare sector and is currently a Director / Owner / CEO at Triple0 Medical and also a Director / Owner of ColourMeSafe, a healthtec business. Mike is also providing business advisory services to growth companies and is an Independent Business Mentor at ThincLab. Mike has previously been the CEO at two leading South Island businesses was the Acting Executive Manager at Citycare - Civil and has been an Associate Director at City Care Group Ltd, an Executive Committee Member of New Zealand Football, the South Island Coalitions Manager for NZTE and the former Managing Director at DEEP SOUTH Ice Cream.
Mike has proven experience in business governance, market development (international and domestic) and key stakeholder management. Calling himself a “specialist generalist of business”, Mike has consulted to leading organisations within New Zealand and Australia across the food & beverage, manufacturing and industrial sectors and is now focused on utilising this cross-sector experience to help businesses (small and large) take their businesses to the next level.
Carol Bellette BCom CA MBA(Dist) CMInstD
Carol is a Chartered Member of the IoD with governance experience across various industry sectors. Her governance experience includes director of PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited and its Oceania subsidiaries. Carol’s prior governance contributions include national roles with Family Planning, NZ Local Government Funding Agency Shareholders Council and local roles with Cathedral Grammar School and as Chair of Christchurch Early Intervention Trust.
As a Chartered Accountant Carol has extensive experience with Audit & Risk Committees and Finance Committees including her prior role as Chair of the Family Planning Finance Committee.
Her strong relationship management skills and ability to understand complex issues and communicate clearly have underpinned her success in both governance and executive roles.
Carol has held executive finance roles with PGG Wrightson Seeds, Christchurch City Council, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research.
In 2013 Carol participated in the IoD Mentoring for Diversity Programme and is excited by the opportunity to contribute to the IoD Canterbury Branch Committee.
John Ruge MInstD
John's career has spanned both the legal and teaching professions, including practising civil litigation in Auckland and Christchurch, and secondary teaching in New Zealand and Germany. He is currently a member of the senior leadership team at St Andrew’s College with a diverse portfolio of responsibilities that includes academic and pastoral care for over 450 senior students.
As a director, John has more than 25 years experience in the not-for-profit, charitable and education sectors. Since 2015 he has been the board chair at Avonhead School and recently joined the board of governors of College House. As a Treaty partner, John actively seeks opportunities to increase his knowledge and understanding of te ao Māori and to incorporate these into his life and work.
Lynn McClelland CMInstD
Lynn is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors and has had a range of governance roles, predominantly in the not-for-profit sector, with nine years on the board of BarnardosNZ, including six as Chair. Other roles have included The Loft, Social Ventures Australia and The Natural Step. She is a member of Chapter Zero New Zealand.
Lynn has considerable experience working across the public and private sectors. From roles in central government including at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Ombudsman and State Services Commission. She has also had executive roles in a number of sectors including electricity, financial services, not-for-profit, professional services and tertiary education. Over the last four years, she has undertaken senior roles at the Christchurch City Council, recently departing to undertake a Masters of Disaster, Risk and Resilience at the University of Canterbury.
Lynn has a strong interest in business growth, climate resilience, digital, diversity, talent development, board performance and other contemporary governance challenges. She actively seeks opportunities to increase her knowledge and understanding of te ao Māori. Having benefitted from many IoD initiatives and professional development opportunities, including as a recipient of an Emerging Directors’ Award, she is keen to give back and contribute to the ongoing success of the IoD Canterbury branch.
James Pomeroy Dip.Bus., AHRNZ, MInstD
James is an accomplished leader in the hospitality and tourism sectors, with nearly 15 years of experience in executive and governance roles.
Proudly born and raised in Ōtautahi Christchurch, James is the Chief Executive of Pomeroy Group - an industry-leading business advisory, recruitment & staffing, HR Consulting & governance services firm that has set a benchmark for quality, innovation and creativity. He is a passionate advocate for showcasing hospitality as a respected and professional career path.
James holds numerous governance roles across the motu including Independent Chair of Bocuse d’Or New Zealand, Deputy Chair (Rainbow) NZ Labour Party, Trustee of Southern Ballet, NZBaroque, Pou Manaaki Taiohi ō Aotearoa, and is a Canterbury Branch Committee Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors.
Anna Bolland MInstD
Anna is a leadership and culture strategist who positively influences and disrupts boards, leaders, teams and individuals. From considerable experience in many industries in both the public and private sector (economic development, tertiary education, hospitality, construction, agriculture and marketing), she delves deep to build a strong platform within people and businesses to have a base to leverage from. She is passionate about human behaviour, and with advancements in neuroscience and the ability to reprogram brains, she can add impact in this area for boards and teams…as well as adding value around leadership, developing high-performance teams, culture, wellbeing, strategic direction, brand and marketing.
She currently has three governance roles (NFP and education) in South Canterbury and is committed to supporting and developing in this area. Giving back to the community is important to Anna, she is a motivational speaker, mentors young adults and is part of Rotary. Along with her husband, they own three businesses.
Anna’s main motivation to be a part of the Canterbury IoD committee is to help build awareness in governance and for the IoD, foster connections, add diversity and keep evolving within the governance journey.