
Fully booked



The courage to adapt - Albert Brantley

Albert will share his thoughts and experiences around adaptive boards.

12:00pm — 2:00pm, 18 March 2021
Bill Richardson Transport World
491 Tay Street, Invercargill
Price members
$45.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$60.00 incl GST


Smart, adaptive boards have a key role in driving innovation, growth and a sustainable future for businesses and communities.  Last year COVID-19 was the ultimate disruptor and as a result, boards became more flexible in the way they operated. Building on this adaptability will ensure that boards can keep up with rapid changes in the operating environment to govern now and in the future.

Albert Brantley

Trained as an engineer and geologist, over the past 40 years Albert has lead the construction and operations of large-scale oil and gas, mining and utility and infrastructure assets throughout the world. Until August 2018 he was the Chief Executive of Ōtākaro Limited, the Crown Company responsible for the Anchor Project programme for central Christchurch, and was the Chief Executive of Genesis Energy for eight years before that. In New Zealand, he has held similar executive roles for OceanaGold Ltd and L&M Mining Ltd. 

Albert has provided board level governance for the past 25 years, and he is a Chartered Member of the IoD. He presently serves as the independent chair of the HW Richardson Group, FarmRight Limited and POU Limited, and is an independent director of Ballance-Agri Nutrients as well as a director of the LGNZ Independent Assessment Board. 

Additional information


We have been monitoring government updates regarding COVID-19 and are keeping up to date with Ministry of Health guidance with regard to events and public gatherings.

For the latest updates on face to face courses and our safety planning see our response to COVID-19 page

Branch event cancellation policy

Regrettably, registration fees cannot be refunded when cancellations are received within two working days prior to any branch event.

See our standard terms and conditions for more information.


Philippa Murrell
Otago Southland Branch Manager

+64 3 955 5899
+64 27 772 2013

Our sponsors

The Otago Southland Branch acknowledges the generous support of

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  • Fully booked


    18 Mar 2021

    Members — $45.00

    Non-members — $60.00

    Please ph 04 499 0076 to be placed on the waitlist