Board Vacancies terms and conditions

By placing an advertisement with the Director Vacancies service, the ‘Advertiser’ (ie the person placing the advertisement; regardless of whether they are the advertiser of the vacancy referred to) accepts and agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions in full.

1. The IoD reserves the right to determine whether an advertisement is accepted. In the case of advertisements from not-for-profit organisations the IoD reserves the right to determine whether the organisation meets the definition of not-for-profit for the purposes of the Director Vacancies service.

2. Application management – The advertising organisation manages the application and selection process; the IoD is not involved other than advertising the roles to the membership. If you would like separate assistance with the application and selection process please contact us for a quote.

3. The discounted advertising rate for NFP organisations is for advertisements placed directly by NFP organisations. Where advertisements are placed by an agent or third party on behalf of a NFP organisation, the commercial advertising rate will apply. The IoD reserves the right to use its discretion in application of this policy.

4. General advertising – Cross promotional advertising is not permitted by the service and the IoD will not publish advertising which refers candidates to an agent’s or third party website. References to a website must relate to the entity in which the position is available. Agents or other third party email addresses are permitted to be published in the advertisement.

5. Materials for an advertisement must be provided no later than any specified deadline and are subject to the website guidelines of the IoD.

6. The IoD may reject, cancel or require any advertisement to be amended that it considers unsuitable or contrary to these terms and remove, not print, suspend or change the position of any such advertisement. The IoD may refuse to publish any advertisement for any Advertiser who has not paid any sums due for any advertising and the Advertiser will remain responsible for all outstanding charges.

7. The Advertiser guarantees to the IoD that:

i. any information supplied in connection with the advertisement is accurate, complete, true and not misleading
ii. it has obtained the consent of any living person whose name or image (in whole or in part) is contained in any advertisement
iii. the advertisements are legal, decent, honest and truthful.

Liability of IoD

8. The IoD accepts no responsibility for any interruption or delay the Advertiser experiences in delivering any advertisement copy to the IoD or any loss or damage to any advertisement copy or any other materials.

9. The IoD shall use its reasonable endeavours to reproduce advertisements as provided by the Advertiser but cannot guarantee that the advertisement will be of the same quality.

10. The IoD cannot guarantee the time, dates and/or position of advertisements and all such decisions will be at the sole discretion of the IoD.

11. If a booked advertisement is not published at all solely due to a mistake on the IoD's part, it will try to offer an alternative publication date(s). If the alternative date(s) is not accepted, the original booking will be cancelled and the Advertiser shall be entitled to a full refund if the Advertiser has paid in advance for the advertisement. This shall be the Advertiser's sole remedy for failure to publish the advertisement.

12. If the advertisement as reproduced by the IoD contains a substantial error solely due to a mistake on its part, the IoD shall, on request, re-publish the advertisement at no additional cost to the Advertiser.

13. The IoD shall not be responsible, under any circumstances, for any loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of anticipated saving, loss of revenue and/or any other loss which happens as a side effect of the main loss suffered by the Advertiser or any loss which could not be contemplated by IoD and the Advertiser, and the IoD's maximum total liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in relation to any advertisement whether in contract, tort or otherwise shall not exceed the total amount of the charges for the relevant advertisement actually paid by or on behalf of the Advertiser.

14. In respect of advertisements on the website the IoD does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted access by users of the website but will use reasonable efforts to provide this.

Liability of the Advertiser

The Advertiser will fully reimburse the IoD for all claims, losses or expenses arising as a result of any breach or failure to perform of any of these terms and/or the use or publication of the advertisement by IoD in accordance with these terms.


The Advertiser grants the IoD the right (free of charge) to use such of the Advertiser's names, trademarks and/or logos as the IoD may consider necessary for the purposes of publishing the advertisement(s).

Cancellation policy

The Advertiser may cancel an advertisement provided that notice in writing is received by IoD. Please send notice of your intention to cancel to the person who receipted your advertisement or if that person is unavailable, by email to

Cancellation will only be effective on confirmation of receipt of your notice. Where the advertisement has already been published at the time of cancellation no refund will be payable.