Director Vacancies

A cost-effective way to reach our extensive membership pool of director talent, our vacancies service can help you find the right person for your board.

loud speakers on outside wall

What we offer

We advertise your board position to IoD members through web, social media and email, as well as directly promoting vacancies via our member network.

How we help

Your opportunity is advertised directly to candidates from our extensive network of director talent.

How it works

We advertise your opportunity to IoD members:

  • on the Director Vacancies page of the IoD website
  • on our Facebook and LinkedIn platforms
  • in our monthly director vacancies email to more than 10 000 IoD members, when timings permit.

We encourage you to allow at least four weeks for promotion before your closing date for applications. This makes sure your opportunity is advertised through our member network and in our director vacancies email.

What it costs

The service costs $595 and a special rate of $250 for not-for-profit organisations. These prices exclude GST.

Contact us

Fill out the Advertise your board position form

Or contact us on 0800 846 369

Or email


The small print

See the terms and conditions for advertising a director vacancy.

All New Zealand registered companies are required under the Companies Act 1993 to have at least one director who either lives in New Zealand, or lives in Australia and is a director of an Australian company.

The Institute of Directors provides board appointment services like director search, director vacancies, and board appointment support for bona fide director appointments. We do not provide these services for director appointments in name only or in a company before it is registered in New Zealand, for example to satisfy the director residence requirement.

We had 36 responses, most of whom were highly qualified. This made shortlisting difficult but we interviewed six applicants and chose two, although any of the six would have been acceptable.
- Bill Robertson, CEO, EMQUAL